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The Law of Averages

Collecting today was truly going to test the law of averages. With enough collecting and in the correct locations, a nice find should turn up. I have collected at LaFarge on many occasions, and to balance out my numerous scores, I did not fill up a medicine bottle. No worry though, the second spot proved to be much better. I sifted this area pretty hard, and found a little meg first. Not bad. A few shovel fulls later, I was slowly rinsing out the gravel and this little whale tooth popped out. The rest of the day was gravy. Luckily, I scored a nice mako with some wicked coloration.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added4/16/2005


1.5 Inch Mako
1.5 Inch Mako
1/2 Inch Double root Whale tooth
1/2 Inch Double root Whale tooth





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