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Fossil Hunting Down Memory Lane

A few days ago, we had a pretty decent rain and I got a gut feeling to go back to the big ditch near where I used to live. The water was crystal clear, but I was obviously not the first one to walk my previous favorite fossil hunting grounds. I found one nice one that reminded me of the great times I had at this spot over the years. Back when I worked at home before tha weEzlinG was born, I used to ride my bike down to that ditch three times a week and rack on a pretty regular basis. Before all the Chandler Bridge was washed away, that spot produced a lot of high quality Carcharocles angustidens. I was looking ay my collection of angys and most of them came from that spot. There are still teeth to be found there in a few spots, though, so I imagine there will be a few more killer teeth from there eventually.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added11/18/2006


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