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Keeping DW's Angy trend alive.

After seeing the sweet angys that DW has been posting on the website lately. DW has inspired me to follow the trend and follow the trend I did.. even though my angy may not be as big as DW’s angys, but it’s still a nice find. I went to go check out a ditch that DW told me about, but I ended up finding another spot in the process and I found the ditch later on. It was a small clearing where a pond was recently dug, which had layer in it. The pond area was already walked over by someone else, but they didn’t walk around the whole development. I was looking around and than there it was.. a beautifully colored orange angy that was almost fully exposed just lying up on top, waiting for me to pluck it from the ground.
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added11/25/2006


Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth
Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth





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