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The heat related hiatus appears to be over

Here is the tale of the inexperienced tooth hunter extraordinaire meeting up and fossil hunting with the legendary Rock Splitter for a Texas expedition. First, let me give a public heart felt “Thank You” to Rock Splitter for his patience and expertise in providing professional grade guide services to an out-of-towner from England. He did a great job and I can’t wait to go back and do it again, I had a great time! After discovering that I was to be going to the Dallas-Fort Worth area (Wichita actually), I was put in contact with Rock Splitter and upon arriving in Wichita, we made arrangements to meet out at some god forsaken place in the middle of the Texas dessert at 9:30 AM (For those who don’t know me…I am directionally challenged…severely. If directions are not exact, I will get lost). Let me just say it’s friggin hot in Texas in the summer (when we got back to our meeting place, the thermometer in my rental said it was 108 degrees). Anyway, we found each other and we headed off in Rock Splitters truck (nice ride for fossil hunting), and made several stops (please don’t email me asking where these spots are…I have no friggin idea as I was lost the whole time) and found a couple of items here and there (I found my first Ptychodus Whipplei at the second stop, two total). At one stop, we went down into a dried up water hole (which Rock Splitters swears there was supposed to water there) and I found a fossilized Bison bone sticking out of the side of the bed, practically tripped over it, I was also able to find a Cretolamna appendiculata and a Serratolamna serrata). But the best part was yet to come…we ended the day on what appeared to be a 50 foot cliff face looking for fossilized sea urchins and ammonites of which we found a few as well as getting to argue with prickly pear cactus. When I got back to my hotel room, I was pulling cactus spikes out of my body for the next couple of hours. All in all, I had a GREAT time, it was awesome, even if Rock Splitter thinks it was horrible.
Location Burleson County, Texas, USA

Date Added9/2/2006







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