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You can't beat Brownies for breakfast.

I have had a tough work schedule lately.  Only one fossil adventure over the past two weeks. This morning I thought if I played my cards right with work I could get a quick hunt in at my favorite beach.  I got up extra early and made my way all the way down to the hunting grounds only to find that a guy from Syracuse, New York left at 10 pm last night to hunt this beach!! (true story, spoke with the guy...had NY plates!)  I was number two on the beach.  I like to be number one if I get up this early!  Luckily for me he was even greener than me with the fossil hunting and he had not made it to the "good" areas yet but rather was "screening for Megs" by the beach entrance.  I still had a window of opportunity to get to virgin beach.  With that I was around the corner to start my "low and slow" approach to working the beach.  I was finding the usual finds when I was over taken by an older lady who was working the beach at mach 3!  She said hi and by in the span of 10 seconds and now I was sure I had lost any opportunity at finding the big one.   I kept at it and then came across an area that looked good.  I was finding a lot so I decided to really work the area well.  I found the nice Meg in about five inches of water.  Only the hump by the bourlette was exposed.  This tooth is in VERY good shape!!  It is 2 7/8" with all the bourlette, sharp serrations, and all but two or three serrations by the very tip.  The root is perfect.  It had some thin matrix welded to it.  I removed as much as I felt comfortable doing.  This Meg was my best one from this part of the bay so it was exciting. (no we don't get three inch teeth on every trip in Maryland!!)  The morning was capped off with a dandy 1 6/8" Mako and a real nice Cow.  Good hunting Chris

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added3/30/2007


If You Can
If You Can't Be Good, Be Lucky!
At least its a meg
At least its a meg
Where have all the makos gone
Where have all the makos gone

sweet meg chris - 2/17/2008
Reviewer : tonyholt from Maryland United States
Total Rating : 8
wish we still had days like this at that beach Content Quality : 7 of 10

Drool Quotient : 8 of 10

Picture Quality : 9 of 10
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