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damn it feels good to be a digger

So basically it was a windy friday moning at one of my favorite spots on the cliffs. Tide was pretty far out but as i made my way down the beach I saw something that made me forget all about the tide. A FRESH FALL AND A BIG ONE. Well not a big one but a nice one. I walked towards it and hopped up. I could tell i want the first one to see it due to the fact that someone had already dug some of it up. But never the less I found some area that looked potentially promising. So about 30 minutes into the dig i had a 1.5 inch lower meg. I then decided to walk the beach to make sure I didnt leave any obvious teeth on the beach for the next guy to find, since I was the first one on the beach. I picked up a 1.5 mako and some basic stuff, including what i think was a dolphin ulna/flipperbone. Anyway back to the pile...A guy came up to me who had dug there on wednesday and said he had found nothing on the previous trip. I then soon later came across a 1 7/8 beautiful upper meg. awesome 2 in one day!  Then I dug for hours ....and hours...and hours... with little to show. Came across what i thought was a rock until i gave it a tap and one side shattered. Yes that right I ruined a large ear bone. One of the largest Ive ever found. Then I was going throught some harder clay with a screw driver about to leave. I had gone through all the 10 boulders I had found digging except a huge one. Must of weighed 150 lbs. So in order to pick it up and place it on my ledge I was working on I began to shave off the sides a bit. 3 minutes into shaving by the grace o God beautiful 3 1/16 upper pops out. Ha yeah thats about the time I decided to go home.   This was 11/02/2007
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added11/10/2007

heres the monster after 6 hours of digging
the days pull. 3 megs, 2 earbones, a few nice hemis and the mystery bone.
Close up on the 3 megs

Strange little Meg from the cliffs
Strange little Meg from the cliffs
cool and weird stuff from the cliffs
cool and weird stuff from the cliffs





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