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Finally - One to Keep!

After years of hunting the Chesapeake Bay and looking for a “keeper” sqaulodon tooth I finally got one. The conditions were right – they were calling for highs in the low 50’s with a 30-40 mph NNW winds so I took the day off work and headed to the Bay. I arrived at 7:30 and hunted my favorite stretch of beach. Found a bunch of nice hemmies and few makos and was ready to turn around to head back when, for some reason, I decided to keep going, past where I usually stop on each trip there. After going about 100 extra feet I spotted what looked like another ordinary hunk of gnarled porpoise rib in the surf but I decided to pick it up anyway - maybe there would be some cool bite marks on it - but when I scooped it up – WHOOA!!! A nearly complete to both tips squalodon tooth - AWESOME!!! Some cool meg/mako bite damage on the feeding worn tip. This guy really saw some action during his life some 18 mya. Found a nice meg in the surf on the way back too. Nice day so far…. It was going to be hard to beat that find but later I pulled a BRF unforgivable at another spot – I didn’t have my camera and had to just pluck a 2 inch chubby out of the water covered matrix on the beach. It was my first tooth ever from the beach layer (its fair game on the beach - not in the cliffs) and I was unable to capture the moment. Will my BRF brethren forgive me? I really was a sweet moment. Wish I could have captured it. Found a small posterior meg there on the way out. I went back to the first spot later that day and found some other teeth but was walking next to another collector and shooting the breeze when he found what could have been my fourth. Oh well, 3 megs and a squalie is awesome I think in anyone’s book.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added4/4/2006


Fossil Squalodon Tooth
Fossil Squalodon Tooth





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