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June 22 2004 Fossil Diving Trip

Today, I went to the spot where I found the bones of a whale stuck in the ashley marl in the river a few years ago. It wasn't there anymore, but its tough to tell exactly where it was since the spot is entirely different now. It was an absolute log jam down there, and I spent much of my time getting unstuck from the logs. Its kindof spooky down there when you're just swimming along and BAM! You run your head right into a giant, slime covered tree. Or a big fish. That's really freaky because they swim away and its entirely unexpected. There's even the off chance of an alligator, and NOT the fossilized kind. But I didn't run into anything bad in either dive, thank goodness. I didn't find anything awesome, either. My best find was a complete ray plate. Still though, it was great to get in the water. You can't beat finding teeth while its 95 degrees outside and not even breaking a sweat.
Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added6/22/2004


3" ray plate
3" ray plate





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