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Diving, Scuba, and more Diving

Last weekend, da f0ssZ came down and we tried to go diving in the new POS in the Edisto. It was not a good maiden voyage, and I know why. We did not christen it properly as we did with the progenitor of the POS series of boats. We got to the dive spot fine, but the current was so bad that we decided it would be a bad idea to dive. Better to live to dive another day. On the way back to the landing, the boat sputtered and died. Luckily, we were down river of the landing and we just had the humbling experience of floating back with the currents. DF prodded the bottom along the way with a paddle and he identified a spot of interest near the landing where the paddle hit something hard, not too deep in the river. We got back safe and sound but absolutely skunked. It was a tail between the legs kind of day.

This weekend, I went back to the Edisto with Ted. The current slacked up a bit and Ted's boat is better, so it was a more relaxing day. We tried the spot where last weekend df and I saw certain doom. Ted employed Jedi Master's anchor line technology, but without working knowledge of its intracies. As we hung only the anchor line to fight the absolutely raging current, we dislodged the anchor and we began to drift in the river. We ran into each other under water and decided that this was no place for us to be diving today. We got back to the boat, helped each other in, and started looking for a new spot to dive. I mentioned a spot on the way back near a bluff that df mentioned would be a good place to hunt arrowheads. Ted was all for it, so we suited up and jumped in. The current was manageable here, and to our glee, there were rocks on the bottom. There wasn't much in the way of teeth at first, but then I came to this little valley in the bottom where two big rocks had lodged together. Resting in between them was a BIG angustidens. A whole one. I stuffed it in my pocket and continued on my merry way. I picked up a few more teeth here and there, and on the way back to the boat, I apparently went another direction because I came across another big angustidens just poking out of the sand. It was tough see, but my weezil sense alerted me to its presence. I was crestfallen that one of the cusps was missing, but it was still a nice big tooth. I surfaced to find Ted ready to split. He had found nothing and was ready to burn some air somewhere else. I told him about df's place of interest, and he was all over going there. We arrived and he jumped into the water before the engine even stopped, it seemed. Unfortunately, though, all he found was a big stretch of ashley formation with no fossils left. No gravel to speak of anywhere. From there, we went back to the boat landing. I think Ted was a little disappointed, but he loves diving so much that I think he was just happy to get wet.

Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added8/13/2005

Not as big as my usual dive hauls, but I can't argue with the results.
The big shamer angustidens - if it only had another cusp!
Some really nice small teeth - from left to right, hemipristis serra, isurus hastalis, another hemi, and carcharias taurus (sand tiger).
A little whale tooth. I can't tell if that's bone on the outside or part of the exterior of the root is gone. If you look closely where the enamel meets the "inside" of the broken part, the root looks like its the correct diameter for the size of the tooth. I don't know.

Big Red - The angustidens that was almost a shamer
Big Red - The angustidens that was almost a shamer





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