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Old trip

This stuff is from a few different trips to two sites.  I have been slipping up on the posts on here.  My wife and I just recently had a baby boy, so I have been a bit busy.  He will be in training soon!

Anyways, i didnt find anything great.  A few nice Ptychodus teeth, and what would have been an awesome Cretoxyrhina mantelli.  I was hunting in a spot that i have looked over many times, after it rains I hit it for the left overs, anyways I was doing the crouched searching cause most teeth are small, and on one of the slopes there was a rock that probably weighs 100lbs or more.  Well I do a quick glance and notice its not the right layer BUT what I thought was piece of a shell was the root of a huge C. Mantelli.  Usally I would just take the whole stone home to do surgury, but this one weighed too much and I had no help to lift it.  So I went to the hammer and screwdriver.  Few of you know how hard the limestone is in this layer and this was in the solid layer.  I tried to bust the stone into smaller pieces, but it was too thick. So I had to chip it out.  Well as I got closer to the tooth, and chipped the piece that held the tooth, it split into about 5 pieces. ;( man I was bummed.  I collected all the pieces up and went home to the glue.  I got it all back together,l but its just not the same. 


Location Dallas County, Texas, USA

Date Added3/13/2008

Humpty Dumpty, looks good, but still not perfect.

Rare Mosasaur
Rare Mosasaur
Rained for weeks!
Rained for weeks!
A few of my best finds from this past month
A few of my best finds from this past month





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