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That was a short dry streak

I still had another place to go. I drove over to the golf course to walk the ditch. I know it rained hard there because I work really close to there. And that ditch doesn't retain water, so by the time I arrived, the water level was low and the layer was exposed and well rinsed. Well, not as well rinsed as I would have liked, but it was good enough. I took my shovel just in case I needed to dig some immense tooth out of the wall. I walked in and found where the layer started, but I was really not optimistic because there was grass growing right out of the layer. DANG! Erosion is much slower when grass is involved. But then again, with all the rain, the bank was likely to be soft. I haven't ever dug this spot before because the wall was always so hard. I had to dig. I pulled out a 3 inch angy after about 10 minutes. It had tip dingage, but it was indicative of other teeth to come. Then I came to a spot where the layer seemed to stop. I moved down a bit and found a 5 inch killer in the first spot I stuck in the shovel. Dude it is so sweet when you first see a meg in the ground. I saw the root and said a little prayer - "please be whole!" It was. The tip is even there. And serrations too! And the color. Oh man! This is the best meg since Excalibur! I dug around a bit and found the other smaller meg in the picture. Strange that the colors are so dissimilar. I dug a little more, but I didn't think I could do any better. The trip home after finding such a nice tooth is always a good one. Now, the obsession where I carry it around for days begins.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added10/12/2002


5 1/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth
5 1/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth





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