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Half Racked

Today was the first day of a weekend in the lowcountry to rack some fossils. DW called me up on Thursday with bad news; he had been overcome by the flu. DW had to be sick to not fossil hunt; but I know he will be back.


I actually arrived at LaFarge early today and was into the mine at 7AM. Welcomed storms had dumped several inches of rain into the mine. I surveyed the collecting area and found nice green cap and limestone mixture. I had to move steady and stay focused on the ground. My tenacity paid off with a couple of early rics – one was beat up some and the other a whole tooth with feeding damage. I kept searching hard and was picking up makos and sand tigers. After a short water break to beat the heat, I found some undisturbed cap layer. This was mostly red, and I was rewarded with a decent ric (check out the ground shot). I ran into the Phatboyz and was slap happy after seeing his monster ric. Sweeet. We decided to hunt the limestone more carefully and I bagged a nice Eocene cow shark tooth just before it was time to leave. Thanks to the folks at LaFarge for allowing us to collect!!


Now, the second half of the weekend. With DW sick, I asked to Phatboyz if I could hang with them some. After a day of fruitless exploration, we headed off to an old spot, only to find part of it had been cleaned out a short while ago. The Phatboyz were pumped again and fosspitality got the best of me. I watched them hit the layer like madmen and find some teeth. I was sapped so I only hunted for a little while, but after looking at my LaFarge finds again and noticing a pathological sand tiger, I was happy to watch those guys bake in the SC sun with my one day of racking.


Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added7/21/2008

A real nice haul today with great variety.

Finding the elusive Hexanchus agassizi
Finding the elusive Hexanchus agassizi
1/2" Eocene Cow shark tooth
1/2" Eocene Cow shark tooth
2.5" C. auriculatus Pair
2.5" C. auriculatus Pair

nice ric - 7/22/2008
Reviewer : sharkdentist from
Total Rating : 9.667
looks like you did real well Content Quality : 10 of 10

Drool Quotient : 10 of 10

Picture Quality : 9 of 10
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