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A sweet day walkin

Well, today I was all prepared to go diving. But the boat wouldn't start, and not to be defeated, my dad and I went walking. Like I said in my last report, there was a killer rain last night, and there were many places to walk. Its tough to decide, but I think we chose well. I found some beauties! In the middle row, left to right - a bottom row isurus hastalis 2 1/2" and long museum quality. It is white with pink and orange marbling. It was the second best tooth I found today. The second tooth is a 2 1/2" isurus desori. Its somewhat worn, but still large and complete. The third tooth, while not the largest of the day, was definitely my prize for the day. It is an IMMENSE Hemipristis Serra (snaggletooth) - 1 5/8" long! I know, I know, that doesn't really sound that big, but this is by far the biggest I have ever found. Its at least a half an inch longer than my previous largest specimen of this species. And to top it all off, its museum quality. Not a scratch anywhere, no serrations missing, no wear, no chips. Absolutely pristine! Ok, I've raved enough about this one. The fourth and fifth are both 1 1/2" angys that are in pretty good shape. The big rock lookin thing on the lower right is a chunk of sloth tooth. Not a bad day, huh? And we weren't even the first ones there! Two others had beaten us to the spots we hit, and we still found this much. Imagine what they must have found!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added9/3/2001


1 5/8" Snaggletooth Tooth
1 5/8" Snaggletooth Tooth





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