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Back when I used to have a good land spot to hunt fossil shark teeth, I was going there on a nearly daily basis. Now that all those locations are completed, I'm living in the past. This post is from a day when we arrived to fresh digging and no footprints. The kids and I dug until we were out of daylight in fantastic layer, but everything was thrashed! My best tooth was a 4 1/4 inch angustidens. Of course, the tip was missing and the root was badly pitted so all I could say was "Bummer!" when I found it. The process repeated itself over and over as I found other big teeth, all broken. At the end of the day, I found 4 megalodon teeth over 5 inches but all were broken. BUMMER!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added9/10/2006


Stumbling onto a Gold Mine
Stumbling onto a Gold Mine
The Drenching
The Drenching
Some fossils to feed the need
Some fossils to feed the need





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