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South Carolina Road Trip

I had been in a major collecting lull since my trip out to Aurora back in October, so to make up for the lost quantity of collecting I decided to make a road-trip to the Lowcountry to hopefully gain some quality. I had planned to leave my house at 3 AM so I would be down there at first light, but an emergency at work had me out of the house from 11 PM until 1AM. I left the house at 5 AM and arrived at my first collecting site 4 hours later. After not finding anything in the first 20 or so screens I decided to move on to another site. As I scanned the first small pile of gravel I quickly spotted a tiny but killer double root squalodon tooth. I snapped a picture and wrapped the tooth up in a paper towel and tucked it away. I walked the ditch for the next two hours picking up some decent angustidens teeth including two that were a couple of chips away from being perfect. As I was approaching the end of my walk I noticed a tooth sticking out of some fallen formation near where some digging had been done. The tooth was missing a root lobe but it still made a good ground shot. I put my bag down to take a picture and as I turned around to put my camera back in the bag, I couldn’t help but notice the ray plate lying a foot away. I took a couple of pictures, and carefully picked up the plate, taking a large chunk of formation with it so it wouldn’t break. I met up with Ditchweezil and the Weezling at 1:00 and as it turned out M4 was also in town. We headed for a ditch right in DW’s neighborhood to do some digging. Fortunately I had a productive morning because other than the two beat up Angy blades all I found were rocks. DW and M4 each made some nice finds so good days were had all around.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added12/16/2006

The first small gravel pile produced a tiny but killer double root squalodon tooth. There's also a 1/2 inch angustidens 6 inches to the right of the squalodon - a very productive little pile.
The shamers of the day.
I had put down my bag to take a ground shot of a broken angustidens. When I turned back around to put my camera away, this ray plate was smiling at me.

Ray Plate
Ray Plate
3/4" Double Root Squalodon Tooth
3/4" Double Root Squalodon Tooth





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