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Hidden beauty.

The day started off with an early morning awakening like usual before going into the pit. On the way walking to the collecting area a deer charges out of no where five feet in front of me. I was going to knock him in the head with the shovel and make him my breakfast, but he was lucky and did not get close enough. I noticed a lot of the green cap was already walked over and I decided to go try a different end where there was hardly any people because the guys did say we could go anywhere in the pit. I didn’t find anything too big today. I was focusing mainly on the limestone looking for the micro rare teeth. At one point me and dw were looking around for teeth in the same hole on opposite sides and I got to see him find that awesome archaeocete whale tooth. Then at the end of the hunt I met up with dw, da f0ssz, RivrDigr, and Chuck for some superb burritos at Moe’s.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/21/2007


Striatolamia Tooth
Striatolamia Tooth





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