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Rotator Cuffed!

A couple of weeks ago I got the scoop on when to dig from the jobsite foreman. The kids and I showed up when he said and we had the newly dug area of the pond to ourselves for a few hours. There was some really rich layer there. It was loaded with teeth. After a while a few more people showed up to dig. Then a few more showed up. I dug with a new intensity because with this much competition it would be tough to score a tooth without some investment of effort. I rammed the spade end of my shovel into the hard clay overburden like I had thousands of time before to clear off some new digging area. Then I felt it - a sharp pain in my right shoulder. My power was gone and everytime I tried to muscle the shovel with my right arm I got the same pain. Luckily I have a digging style that isn't too reliant on the right shoulder usually so I was able to complete the day digging. That evening really started feeling the pain. I couldn't even lift my right arm without agony. I am not a fan of agony so I avoided that and other arm motions for the night hoping that the next day would bring relief. I hoped so because there was more digging planned.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added1/26/2007

Quite a haul for being lamed half-way through the hunt.
This was exciting because among 8 adults and 4 kids, it was the most complete megalodon found all day.

A promising new Summerville spot
A promising new Summerville spot





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