February 17, 2025  
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The Forbidden pond pays off AGAIN!

The whole gang came along today to the pond - thA duDe, da f0ssZ, t-Money, J of the Golden Shovel, and Mrs. Of the Golden Shovel were all there to play in the mud. It seemed like megs were popping up everywhere today! T money was the first to strike with a 5 1/2" peeler, then I found a 3 1/2 incher, followed bt my mako and another 3 inch megger. Then thA duDe found a 4 1/4" blonde tooth - the biggest he had ever found before today. Then I found another 3 1/2 inch beauty. How could the day get any better? At the end of the day, we all stood around the trucks and showed off our finds. Is there any better feeling than that when you actually have good teeth to show at the end of the day? Then, when you get home, you get to clean them all off and run them under the buffer? Man, I love Saturdays! OH! Big news, too! I got notification that I get to go to Aurora this year! May 4th I'm in there for the first time. Oh yah, baby. Life is good.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added2/2/2002


2 3/8" Mako Shark tooth
2 3/8" Mako Shark tooth
3 1/2" Megaldon Shark Tooth
3 1/2" Megaldon Shark Tooth
4 1/4" Whale Inner ear bone
4 1/4" Whale Inner ear bone





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