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Tapir Tooth
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
This fossil tapir tooth is from the pleistocene, aka ice age. It is the first molar and is the only one to have the primary cusps at this angle. On all the other molar positions, the apex of the cusps looks like an equals sign (=) when viewed from above. On this tooth position, they are more angled, like \\ instead. Does that make sense? Obviously I'm not a scientist, but I think these mammal teeth are very interesting and I'm doing my best to de... |
Tapir Molar
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
This tooth was sitting in a ditch 12 " above the water line after a heavy rain and I was lucky enough to be the first one by to pick it up. The growth lines show really well on the enamel. ... |
Tapir Tooth
Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Tapir Tooth |
Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Tapir |
Tapir jaw with teeth
Desoto County, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Found back in 1990, recently rediscovered cleaning out a closet. I don't have to leave my house to find fossils.... |
Tapir Incisor
Peace River, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Tapir Incisor with root.... |
Tapir molar
Peace River, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Nice Tapir molar with root.... |
Tapir Tooth
Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Tapir Tooth |
1 1/8" Tapir Molar
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
This is a beautifully colored Tapir molar from a land site. While the enamel is perfectly preserved and completely intact, the root is missing. Pleistocene fossils are hard to come by around here, though, so its common for them to be damaged. This is only the second of this kind of fossil I've ever found. Its pretty cool, don't ya think?... |
Tapir molar
Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis |
Here is the cap of a molar from a Tapir, which is a small relative of Elephants. Tapirs still live today.... |