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Madman Across the Pungo

Well, it was that time of year again, the PCS fall trip. I had been eying the weather for a few weeks, and after the passing of Hurricane Isabel, I thought maybe some nice teeth would wash out. I quickly called Ditchweezil to see if we had secured the same day. Luckily, we both got in the same day and another road trip was in order. We both left the wife and kidz at our respective cribs due to the probable fossil marathon we we would undertake. DW made the ride to my house, and I lead him on a tour of the Daf0ssZ Fossil and Earth Antiquity Museum presented by Taco Bell. After completing a few chores to avoid fosstility from FossZette, we were on our way. We arrived the "Roach" motel about 9:30 and were dissapointed that room service was not waiting on us. 6:00 AM came early the next morning, and we drove through a dense fog to be the early arrivals at the parking lot. After completion of pre-hunt formalities, into the mine we went.

We were informed of a new roadcut, so I beelined there to see what had been turned up. After about 30 minutes of walking, I found a killer layer of Pungo with teeth on pedastals. I got that tingle of fossxcitment that this spot was loaded. I hunted methodically and found some nice makos, tigers, and hemis. There was a steep section of the hill and I as I peeked over, an image that is etched in my memory...a huge Pungo Meg sitting on a pedastal. I looked up and saw M4, and begged him to photograph the find. He is quite fossbitiable, and snapped some photos. He had kind words about me and the find, in his own sort of way. I searhced that area for a few minutes and then headed to the road end. As I walked up, a fellow from Raleigh pulled out a sweet 4" Yorktown Meg (Congrats!!).I hunted that spot like a madman, and scored two cow shark teeth and more makos. Finally, I decided to hook up with DW and dig. On my way, I stumbled on a sweet whale tooth. Check out the enamel!! DW had Makos galore, and a perfect Pungo cow shark tooth. Also, check out his killer Meg tooth. After the trip, we starved ourselves to save up for a Bell feast. It was a glorious meal and we discussed our insane hunting of Pungo and compared finds.

It was a great trip. Thanks to the Aurora Fossil Musuem for a nice tour, and to Curtis O., Becky H., George P., John E, and Rich O., for helping make the trip possible.

Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added9/28/2003

A closeup of the nice ray plate.

3/4" Cow Shark Tooth
3/4" Cow Shark Tooth
7/16" White Tip Reef Shark Tooth
7/16" White Tip Reef Shark Tooth
1/2" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
1/2" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
2 3/4" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
2 3/4" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
3 5/8" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
3 5/8" Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth
1/2" Cow Shark Tooth
1/2" Cow Shark Tooth
3/4" Cow Shark Tooth
3/4" Cow Shark Tooth
2 1/8" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/8" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/16" Mako Shark Tooth
2 1/16" Mako Shark Tooth
4 1/2" Whale Tooth
4 1/2" Whale Tooth





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