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Onward Carcharocles Soldiers

The anticipation was finally over for myself and the South Carolina toother extrodinare, Ditchweezil. A road trip and subsequent fossil hunting trip at the PCS mine in Aurora NC was just what the fossil doctor ordered to cure my fossil woes. First, thanks to all the staff at the Aurora Fossil Museum for their hard work to arrange us fossilers mine access. Well, our road trip was a march of 5 hours to Washington. We both were up late...errr…due to our excitement of the upcoming hunt. A large section of the mine was open this season, and when we arrived in the pit, the 2 mile long collecting area tantalized DW and myself with a rack of epic proportions. About 2 seconds after the guides provided us the boundaries DW scored a nice mako. DW and I then proceeded to perform a carcharocles march to the back of the pit. Along the way we found a nice spot of Pungo with few footprints. DW and myself got the fossil mojo going here. In twenty minutes we each scored some of our best finds. DW bagged a killer small meg, and I got a large mako lower and a fabulous squalodon yoke tooth. The ground shot is not a set-up; it was just laying on the ground waiting to be plucked. After that pillage, we hit the pit center where the weeds were high. Since we could not see each other, we developed a call to locate one another…..I heard DW yell “sp”…you know like carcharocles sp. Well, this “sp” was like none other. DW had located a large Yorktown meg and loads of bone. After I approached, I saw a partial tooth in between the bone. I plucked my first Yorktown meg out. We dug there ferociously, but no more megs turned up. The last part of the day we both located some more nice Pungo. I scored two cow shark teeth and one massive hemi, along with a bagful of other teeth. Oh man, what a great day collecting. DW and walked the 1.5 miles back to the bus laden with fossils, tired, thirsty, but happy. Of course we hit the Bell on the drive home.
Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added3/12/2006

A view from the bottom of the pit.
The haul of nice teeth.
Smaller teeth, broken teeth, vertebrae and sting ray material.
This photo shows squalodon teeth, dolphin teeth, pufferfish material and invertebrates.

Mako teeth
Mako teeth
Quartet of Hemis
Quartet of Hemis
2 inch Mako
2 inch Mako
2-1/4 inch Lower Mako
2-1/4 inch Lower Mako
Squalodon Yoke tooth
Squalodon Yoke tooth
3-7/8 inch Meg
3-7/8 inch Meg





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