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A Trip Back to the New Hot Spot

I was finally able to get out again today and with the way I finished my last outing at this location(10/3), I couldn’t wait to get back. The two Carcharocles blades that I found on that last trip really gave me high hopes for the day. I headed straight towards my latest hot spot and proceeded to screen. The water had gotten considerably colder since my last trip in early October and with some recent rainfall the level was probably another 10 inches higher than normal - which made the stream about 4 feet deep where I was screening. Not ideal conditions for late October, but I figured getting a little wet and cold would probably be worth it. Within my first three or four screens I came up with a large desori that was missing half of its root, but it was a good sign that the area still had more hidden in it. For the next 2½ hours I maintained a slow pick of decent teeth: a couple of really nice Carcharias teeth (roots and all), a pristine Lemon shark tooth, two more really beat up Carcharocles blades (both of which made that “potential” word flash in my head again), a couple of small Mako teeth in good condition and one unusual tooth that I couldn’t identify. Although I hadn’t found anything really earth-shattering after 3 hours, I decided to finish out the day there. About a half hour before I was going to leave, I pulled the screen out of the water I could see the complete edge of a Carcharocles tooth that still had a cusp. The tooth was only about 1.5 inches but my reaction was probably similar to someone who had just found a 4 inch megaladon at Aurora. I immediately picked it out and could see that the other cusp had broken off with some of the blade, and most of the root was gone - But, most of the blade was still intact and all the serrations that were there, were in perfect condition. Certainly not a perfect tooth, but its also not a tooth that you find everyday in NJ.
Location Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

Date Added10/24/2004

Two Carcharocles blades that kept the adrenalin going on a cold October day.

1 9/16" Chubutensis Shark Tooth
1 9/16" Chubutensis Shark Tooth





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