2nd Trip to Onslow Quarry in RichlandsMade another trip to Richlands just to see if I could find my elusive Archaeocete tooth. It finally happened!!!! When we were getting ready to leave I decide to start searching real close to the ground to try and find some smaller teeth. I saw a weird looking nub sticking out of some limestone and pulled it out not even thinking that it may be a tooth. When I pulled it out it looked like a piece of a tooth because of the broken part that I could see. After I realized what I had found I almost started to cry because I had broke it. But after careful extraction of the rest of it I was able to piece it back together. I can’t wait until we get some real good rain around here so more of these can work them selves out to be found. Until next time.....good hunting!!!!
| Onslow County, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 2483 |
Member | brsr0131 |
Date Added | 12/1/2007 |
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1 7/8" beat up little ric, but I love the color. |