Back in Action!!!!!Sure feels good to be back in the game again. We have not been able to do any hunting for awhile now since we were in the process of buying a house in New Bern, NC. Thank god thats all over with...hopefully i wont have to do that again for a few years. Then in the middle of all that i got sent down to Mississippi for two weeks for school. I did manage to get a couple of hunts in when i was there though. One in MS and one in AL. As soon as i have free time i will get some posts up of what i found.
For our first trip out since all the caos we decided to hit the Belgrade Quarry. We have been there a couple of times with very little luck. This time i thought was going to end up the same after 2 hours of finding nothing! Then as it always happens on the way out i decided to hit a small hill of material and uhhh!!! there it was.....a small double rooter. I was thinking it was Squalodon or possibly Archaeocete but i dont care, my day was still made. Then as we started up the hill my wife thought she found a whale tooth and when she pulled it out, it ended up being a HUGE croc tooth. Not bad for a long time out of the game huh? Hopefully we can start to get out more so we will be ready for Lee Creek fall season. Until next time.....Good Luck Hunting!!!!!!
| Onslow County, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 2996 |
Member | brsr0131 |
Date Added | 8/22/2008 |
Not to much to speak of here. |
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