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6 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth

Words cannot describe the majesty of this tooth. It truly has it all! It is a king among kings in my collection. Great color! Just look at the back at the fabulous white and yellowish lightning streaks in the enamel. The root can't get much better either. Its BLUE and white! Stunningly beautiful and absolutely unique. The bourlette is 80% intact, and is also marbled blue and white with lightning streaks in it. The serrations are superb. Lastly, the blade is rippled where it meets the root. That's just about my favorite feature in a tooth. Its caused when the shark's teeth just get so big, there is no room left in the mouth for them, so when they grow, the enamel gets this wavy feature to it right near the gumline. Spectacular… The state of preservation on this tooth is mostly due to the layer it was found in. While it was still Hawthorne, it was a thick whiteish-green clay that made sure no wear came to this find of a lifetime. It will take a lot of hunting to unseat this collection centerpiece!
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Species Carcharocles megalodon
Age Pliocene Epoch
Formation Hawthorne Formation
Category Shark Teeth
Length 6 3/8 inches

Date Added3/27/2002


A week of forbidden lunches
A week of forbidden lunches





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