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Surry County, Virginia, USA |
High tide on the James. Didn't find much but I still had fun.... |
A little help?
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I still haven't figured out what type of tooth this is I found on 4/1. If anyone can help me identify it I would appreciate it.Thanks ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Quick trip after work to James City County.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Found a broken spear head.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Today I got up and headed out to Surry. Low tide was at seven and hopefully the storm last night it had kicked a few teeth up. The hunt started off great, as soon as I got there I found a 1.5'' Sand Tiger tooth. It wound up being the best one of the day. The snaggle tooth with the root damage came in a close second - it is solid black with well intact serrations. I was picking up little teeth ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Today I got off work at five with full intentions of going straight home. Twenty minutes later I found myself wandering the banks of the James River in James City County. I only found two teeth but it was worth it. I'm off all day tomorrow and will be heading out to Surry to see what I can find. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
WEAPONS OF MASS DIGESTION... and a deer jaw.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
James city county.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
4/12/08 |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I spent the last few days hiking the app trail in northern Va. I returned home tuesday night sore looking forward to sleeping indoors and going tooth hunting in the morning. Well rested I headed out to the beach around 11am without checking the tides. Sure enough the tide was high, oh well never stopped me before. I only stayed about an hour but here's what I found. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Check out the colors on this one. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Quick trip.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Great day!!!! Lots of teeth including a perfect snaggle tooth and what I think is a Porpoise tooth in a chunk of jaw bone.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
3/28/08 |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Today I went to one of my newer spots on the James. The tide was high but that didn't stop me from finding a few teeth. The first tooth I found was a small one cemented to a shell in matrix. I found some pretty nice sand tiger teeth and a handfull of random worn teeth. The whale bone lodged in rock looked cool and will make a nice door stop or paper weight. The date on the pitcures is wrong but I had already tossed the teeth in with the others and didn't feel like looking for them twice... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Today I gave the York river another try. The tide was lower than the last trip but the pickins were just as slim. All I found was two small teeth and a couple little verts. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
High tide Williamsburg side.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Check out the markings on this Hemi.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I found these teeth on the York River. I've never had any luck on the York and don't go out there often, but every once in a while I give it a try. It's only about twenty minutes from work so when I got off, I headed down to the river. When I got to the beach the tide was high. I started walking and before too long I found two teeth. At least now I know they're out there. I'll be making a trip out there soon when the tide is lower and will let you know what I... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Today I got up and headed out to surry. The weather has been great this week so I was looking forward to spending most of the day at the beach. Low tide was at ten so I got there around eight thirty. I found a couple decent teeth but what realy made my day was the porpoise tooth, it was my first one and it was in pretty good shape.... |
shark rostral node
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
The photos are from a trip to the James River in Surry County about a year ago. Picked it up because of the odd shape and the fact that it looked like something. Just recently identified it as shark rostral node, basically the fossilized snout of the shark. Seems to be pretty rare that this part fossilizes. Refer to the forum section for more info under "shark rostral node". ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Finally got a storm last night. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Stuck at work Monday morning on a 70 degree day, I couldn't stop thinking about all the teeth just sitting on the beach with no one to pick them up. As soon as I could get out, I headed to the beach looking forward to the hour or so of light I had to play with. I wasn't finding much, I walked for thirty minutes before I found the first one. The only interesting tooth I found was a small one with two little holes in the root. I have another tooth with a similar hole in ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I'ts nice to find teeth and not footprints. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Chiped Tooth ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
SWEET!... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I love those days when the waters are clear and the weather is calm. I found this tooth under a dock in about a foot and a half of water. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Two keepers. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Root damage ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I found these two teeth about ten yards from each other. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
I found this Meg chunk across the river on the Williamsburg side. ... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
Good start to '08... |
pile o' teeth
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
This is from the last few years, I will be posting my trips weekly so keep checking in.... |
Surry County, Virginia, USA |
This is the first meg I ever found. Up until this I had been looking for years. But finaly victory is mine!! When I saw it I thought is was fake or I was dreaming. Best day ever!... |
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