More Yackin’ than Rackin’The warming weather gave myself and DW the dive itch; so we thought Venice Beach for the 2011 first dive. Toofless and Sir-Jeff Meg Master were kind enough to host the SC fellas. We had eyed the weather…it was iffy…but we were jonesin’ to blow some bubbles and collect. Day 1 was bright and sunny, with a bit of a breeze. We anchored and soon the motion of the ocean had me woozy. I jumped in and went negative quickly to dive sans nausea…got a few teeth, a few worn megs, an almost complete meg, and a shamer (golden root). Between dive 2 and 3…wooooozy….but I managed to shall we say, keep it in. A few more frags and punies…but decent viso. Finally, the boat ride and increase wave height was too much (2-3 ft); weak I know…I am what I eat as my sea-buddies, and schooling fish soon found out. I managed a last dive, but the vizo had gotten less than 1 foot. The next day we headed to a new spot and with rougher seas…but I had taken Dramamine and was OK! I managed a 80% complete mammoth tooth, a few mammoth tooth frags and a few more shark teeth. DW had scored a nice piece of tusk. DW and I were enjoying lunch on the sea, when he realized his turkey sandwich had that not so fresh feeling….another chummer….but he recovered and we dove two more tanks. I managed four whale ear bones and a few more shark teeth with reducing vizo on each dive. It was time to let the ocean alone and churn…. I am primed for some more fossil hunting…but maybe not deep sea fishing!
1 available
| Sarasota County, Florida, USA |
ID | 3924 |
Member | da fossz |
Date Added | 5/25/2011 |
The total haul from two days of diving...not too shabby considering the conditions. |