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Dad of Year Nomination Cancelled

With the weather hot and dry the past few weeks, the river keeps dropping asymptotically towards a five year low. When it is low, you gotta go! It was father’s day weekend, and a BRFC family fossil adventure was set….We geared up and floated to a spot in the river favorable to carcharodon collectors of all ages. We had not collected in this spot in several years, and the layer was pouring out of the sand banks. I had two smaller Fosszs to aid in the racking and they did not disappoint. MiniFossz fanned out a 2” super hero jet-black angy. MicroFossz was collecting by breaching and diving, and bagged a nice little river meg (rare in this spot). I was fanning through about 12” of gravel and picking teeth out left and right. In my excitement as minifossz put a tooth in the bag, I closed the bag on his finger…through his mask he squealed…I mistook this squeal as “Dad, I found a 4-incher!!”…. I kept asking him to show me the tooth before I realized his finger was in a pinch. We kept collecting in the large gravel layer, and we fanned out a decent 3” angy filmed by DW. Meanwhile, DW bagged a nice point and Weezling put a serrated-smack down on the river. He had several nice angys and a bagfiller day! Victory Moes…was there even a doubt?? I capped off my dismal Dad performance by leaving microfossz's sifting finds in the boat; he reminded me that not only had I squished minifossz's fingers, but now had violated a sacred paleo-rule of leaving one's fossil wares out of the total haul!!

1 available
Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Memberda fossz
Date Added6/21/2011

A truly bountiful day of river collecting!

1-1/4" G. cuvier
1-1/4" G. cuvier
2" C. Angustiden
2" C. Angustiden





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