February 17, 2025  
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Table scraps

When I asked the "Ditchweezil" to participate in this site I told him outright that "I don't do shark teeth". It's not that I don't find them. You can't go anywhere in the lowcountry of South Carolina without having to stop evry few minutes to empty those pesky 4 inch megalodon out of your boots. Rather, I don't collect them to keep in the museum collections. We have enough megalodons thank you! I do pick up the better ones I come across. They are used as gifts to other collectors, big and small. But Mrs. Bum has collected a few nice pieces and to keep her happy (which means keeping me happy) I'll showcase a few pieces. "Are you happy now dear"!
Location Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added10/10/2006

This Carcharocles angustidens is from the Early Oligocene, Chandler Bridge formation.
This Eagle Ray (Myliobatis sp.)tooth plate was found by Mrs. Bum. She swears that I stepped on it prior to her picking it up. Whatever!
This Carcharocles auriculatus is oviously a pathological tooth. It strains the idea of "logical" to the extreme.

Preemptive Taco Bell
Preemptive Taco Bell
The River Delivers
The River Delivers
Finally back under water
Finally back under water





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