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Whale of a Cow...oops... Whale AND a Cow.

I recently broke down and bought a kayak for the sole purpose of harvesting 6" Megs from various regions of the bay and Potomac river.  This was going to be my first trip to a completely new area along the bay for me, and any time you get to hunt a new place its exciting.  Knowing that a 6" Meg was probably not in the forcast, I was just hoping to have a good morning and not encounter as many people as I do at my normal haunt.  A good day was had, it was sunny and warm, and the first person I saw was John, aka "the digger", which is good because he usually has a story about pulling out a 4 to 5 inch Meg.  I found some neat things, but three finds in particular made this trip special.  First was a real nice Cow tooth.  Large, whole and had that cream/peach coloration which I love. I also found a Sperm whale tooth (only the second one of those for me), and a real cool jaw section from something??  The day was capped off by not dying in my new kayak!  On a side note I saw an Otter when paddling out early in the morning.  This was the first Otter that I have ever seen in the wild in Maryland and it happened to be during my maiden voyage in my new kayak whose model happens to be.....the OTTER!?  Go figure?  Good hunting Chris

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added3/31/2007


My Best Day Ever (or Why Is That Guy Dancing on the Beach?)
My Best Day Ever (or Why Is That Guy Dancing on the Beach?)
High waters
High waters
A little bit of everyting from the bay!
A little bit of everyting from the bay!





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