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not much around today

We wanted to get a good start to the day in the right mood for fossiling.  After we left for our favorite spot we seemed to notice that the day may not be as great as we thought it would be.  The waves were rolling in and only scraping away at the sand that was covering the stuff under the beach.  I started to mark off so things I found in the matrix not having luck with anything at all.  At the end of the day we ended up with a few ok makos, and some nice snaggletooth and an extremely small prosterior chub that i didnt identify untill we got home.  I’m going to prep the 3 interesting things we found in the matrix and post pictures later
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added4/14/2007

not much from the beach today
this was sticking out in some matrix on the beac im glad we found it before high tide
here is another picture of the whale vertabrae

OPEN YOUR EYES and see the light/tooth
OPEN YOUR EYES and see the light/tooth
Land Mammal tooth
Land Mammal tooth
Goodies from the Bay
Goodies from the Bay





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