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Variety is great...but MEGS still rule!!

Three days have past since half of the eastern seaboard experienced the "perfect storm", at least for this year.  I had an opportunity to hit my favorite beach this morning so I set the alarm a little early.  I made my way down even though I knew the tide was going to be a little too high, and the wind was still going to be a little too strong.  I really wanted to see what the storm had brought up.  The answer was a little bit of everything.  My finds ranged from lots of vertebra to a porpoise tooth and  ear bone to mako and cow teeth.  Snaggletooth, tiger, sand tiger, gray and stingrays were also found.  Finding a variety is great, but lets get real...megs still rule!  I found three whole megs, and two other broken parts...one from a big one.  The large meg is 2 7/8".  No this is not a miss print.  Three weeks ago I found another meg exactly 2 7/8" also, what are the chances!!??  This meg, like the last, is in very good shape.  It has a perfect root and bourlette, and all the serrations are sharpe with the exception of some worn ones by the tip.  The other two megs of note are the "mini-micro" megs.  These are cool because they are the first whole small ones to be found by me.  Good hunting Chris

Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added4/18/2007


Size doesn
Size doesn't (always) matter...
Fuel for the fire
Fuel for the fire
M4 Megalodon Alert!
M4 Megalodon Alert!





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