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A megalodon is a megalodon (6-8-07)

Wasn't much around and the tide was high because it was one of those transitional tides where they seem to be all weird. I was lucky enough to find some huge gravel sections and put my rake to the test. No megalodons but a 2 nice makos and a nice hemi. were found which were my best fossils for the whole day. My dad on the other hand had himself a small megalodon. For my dad he neer likes to sit still and wait for something to come to him so he started to head down the beach and over the large tree, for me I took a few looks while I was over there and decided to turn back. I turn around to see if my dad was following but he was to busy playing with a flag he had found on the beach( it cracked me up). An hour had past and still no sign of my dad, I thought he might be playng with the flag still but comes to show that the flag had brought him luck. He told me that he had mever seen so many snaggleteeth in his life. As soon as he would pick one up another would show up next to it. So I started to look and nothing was going good for me I looked and looked and looked, final a nice mako washed up in front of me. We looked for a few more mins. and then called it a day.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added6/26/2007


The drought is over !!  My cup runneth over !!!
The drought is over !! My cup runneth over !!!
damn it feels good to be a digger
damn it feels good to be a digger
The best day I will ever have
The best day I will ever have





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