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family fossiling trip

family fossils has never really worked out for us, the first trip we really never found anything and the last time we tryed to go inour boat and my mom was afraid that the boat was about to sink in the waves so we scratched the trip. This time i was expecting the same reaction from my mom but she had no problem about the waves this time, I decided to head ashore and try to lower the weight on the boat, the beach leading to our spot is always boring to walk but as long as i got to fossil i was happy. I had made it about half way to my destination and 20 feet in front of me i saw a black bone like object, at least it was something, when i walked over to it i identified what i had found a beautiful Squalodon calvertensis tooth mine for the taking. when i got to the family i showed them what i found and moved on. when i reached the destination i found a sliver of a megalodon on the ground in front of me and decided to dig in the gravel and after one scoop i looked to see what became uncovered and to my shock was a beautiful posterior megalodon. Then 10 ft. from there i found a great 1.75 in. mako, and then a sweet rib or something right in front of the mako. i didnt really find anything for about 20min. and as i was heading back to the everyone else i walked right onto a tooth that looked like another megalodon but was a nice hemi. My father called me over and told me that my sister and my mom both found megalodons over by the boat, and when i got to the boat both my sister and my mom had found 2 great megs.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added8/6/2007

my mom's megalodon
my sister's megalodon

catching up...Trip from 12-23-07
catching up...Trip from 12-23-07
Tried my luck a second day.
Tried my luck a second day.
Rainy Day at the Beach 12/30/07
Rainy Day at the Beach 12/30/07





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