A first from the bay for meJust the other day I tried a new spot a little further down the cliffs than I usually look for fossils. At first I thought I had wasted my time only 5 small teeth after almost a mile of walking then I came to a area of cliffs with the water splashing up against them. I pushed on wading in waist deep water. After a hundred yards there was a small stretch of beach with huge blocks that had fallen from the cliffs. I kept looking in the surf and still had found very little. Then I glanced up at one of the blocks and saw the ribs of an Ecphora sticking out of one of the blocks. You should never dig into the cliffs but the loose blocks are ok so I started digging it out being carful to take plenty of the block around the fossil. I was able to get it out and wrapped it up for the trip home. I started looking at all the blocks closer. Down between two of the blocks I spotted a couple barnacles. Now this normally wouldn’t even get my attention but these were huge! Over 1 3/4 inches wide and over 2 inches high. I picked them up and continued my search. Before I left I also found a complete fish gill plate and several more Ecphoras in the blocks.
When I got home I couldn’t wait to slowly dig out my prize. It was my first complete Ecphora. I left it in the matrix because I didn’t want to risk having it fall apart. It even has a tiny white tip that looks so very fragile. I guess that’s why you almost never find these things whole. When I was finished uncovering my finds I had 2 complete Ecphoras and one with just the very tip missing and a nice gill plate. I will be returning to this spot again soon!!
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 2359 |
Member | obsessed1 |
Date Added | 9/24/2007 |
My first whole Ecphora |
Fish gill plate |
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