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fathers day trip

we got to an earlier start than usual geting to the beach around 5:30 am. On the first walk down the beach i looked down and see a beautiful 1 3/4 mako sitting there on the beach. A few steps from it i see a meg root sticking out of the sand!!!!! to bad the root was only 1/2 inch wide, but a nice tooth anyway. I stayed in one section for awhile because the teeth would not stop appearing. I dont think i have ever found this much teeth in my life. A guy soon walks by and asks what i have found, i show him my finds and he goes on to tell me that back in the day he would skip teeth that sze across the water. He had a bunch of great stories that he told me and told me all the good places to look ( most i already knew about) but its good to hear what people find where. Soon i spot an odd looking bone sticking out of the sand when i pull it out i find out that its not a bone but a rock. The guy tells me not to throw it away because its not just any old rock but its a tool indians use to shape arrowheads!!!! So i start putting it in my pocket and before i can finish i look down and see the root and serrations of a meg!!!!! this one not small eather. When i pick it up i find that half of the meg is missing. I wish the guy good luck and he heads on his way. So i head back to my dad and show him the finds and as we walk the beach i see some shinny black enamel in the sand. I pick it up and it ends up being an ok reworked meg with some root and serration damage. We head to a second spot and like always at this spot nothing is showing up but my dad finds two assorted dolphin verts. We had yet another party to go to so we ended the day early and went home.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added7/20/2008


I actully forgot how to post
I actully forgot how to post
Hannah: Before and After at Calvert Cliffs
Hannah: Before and After at Calvert Cliffs
Your're certifiable, Quint! You know that?





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