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Another Great Day Fossil Diving in South Carolina

Earlier this week, da fossz called me with bad news - the weather had been really nasty for him with long, heavy showers. Rain near him spells higher river levels and faster current. Luckily, I was able to make it to the river on the day it crested. I strapped on an additional 10 pounds of lead to bring my wetsuit-less total to over 40 pounds. I cratered when I hit the bottom, but once I was there I was in the zone. I worked a pattern on the hunt for more of the dugong, and I was soon rewarded with another really cool bone - a lower jaw with a tooth still intact. Another rib followed, and then I never saw another dugong bone the rest of the day. I know there is more there, but its buried deep in the sand. I'll be picking up pieces of this guy for years to come.

The next big find was a really wicked looking fish jaw. I have no idea what it is, but it had to be a nasty critter when he was alive. When I first saw it, it was jagged spikes sticking out of the fossil bearing Ashley formation at the bottom of the river. I carefully dug it out of the soft clay and took it back to the boat when I freed it from its resting place.

In the midst of these finds came many shark teeth, but almost all were damaged in some way. I did manage to find a big angustidens with a tip ding and a superhero calibre sand tiger.

The ripping currents quickly sapped my strength, but not before I was able to recover some more awesome fossils. Hopefully I'll be able to hunt some more later this week and find some more cool stuff.

Location Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added6/11/2007


Sand Tiger Shark Tooth
Sand Tiger Shark Tooth
Dugong Jaw Section
Dugong Jaw Section
Angustidens Shark Tooth
Angustidens Shark Tooth
Unidentified fish jaw section
Unidentified fish jaw section
The River Called Back
The River Called Back





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