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Meeting Brachiomyback

Last week roving fossil extractor Brachiomyback was in my neighborhood so we got together for a little shark tooth hunting. This time of year is so great to hunt fossils weather-wise in South Carolina because its cool and the mosquitos are thinned from their summer swarms.

I only had a couple of hours to hunt but it was enough for us both to find some nice teeth.

Thanx B for the great hunt and sharing the goodies from some of your previous paleo escapades.

Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added12/12/2008

Here's Brachio with his nice angustidens tooth.

hemi penni.....
hemi penni.....

Contains 15% retained water - 12/13/2008
Reviewer : brachiomyback from
Total Rating : No Rating
Wow... did that tooth shrink or what! I remembered it looking alot bigger when I found it. Come to think of it, most of the "haul" seemed to have shrunk by the time I got home...lol a great dig regardless...
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