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phoSsil pHaTcatZ

After the last Lafarge dig (which I didn't get to attend), I called da f0ssZ and he and the boys from phatfossils came to pay me a visit so we could go do some hunting at the spot I scoped out in yesterday's post. Like most other people who come here to hunt, they were after angustidens. Seems like that species is rare everywhere but in South Carolina. One of the phatboyZ told me that a meteor destroyed the oligocene sediments up in Maryland. If you're gonna wipe out the fossil record for an entire region, it should be done in style right? Anyway we dug like phools and pretty much everybody found something.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added12/23/2006

I was really bummed out about the megalodon tooth. I didn't know it was broken until I had already spent 15 minutes removing overburden to remove it safely.

Raw sewage and a mud hole
Raw sewage and a mud hole





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