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The Ego Grinder

This is another old post from a spot where I had some success fossil hunting, but not this time! The layer was very thin and all the rocks were black so all the teeth were black too. There was so much bone around that I really expected some big stuff. This is about 3 hours worth of digging in the bug infested, sweltering SC summer. I'm a guy who likes to come home with at least one thing for the collection every time I go hunting to feel successful, and today I did not feel successful. Everything I found looked like it went through a grinder. But its not always about me, and today was not about me. Both of my kids went and they racked right in front of me. Its good to be schooled by the younger generation. It keeps me humble.
Location Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Date Added10/1/2006

My pathetic finds.
My oldest son (13) found the 4 inch megalodon on the left. My youngest son (6) found the 1 1/2 inch angustidens on the right.
Photos of the backs of my kids' teeth. Its great when they come home with something nice because of the sense of accomplishment, but more because of the jeers on the way home dealing with my inability to best two kids hunting. It never ends...

Another Decent Haul
Another Decent Haul
Off work early to hit the ditches!
Off work early to hit the ditches!
This Paleo Shop Vac Wont Quit!
This Paleo Shop Vac Wont Quit!





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