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My first Megamouth!
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
Towards the end of last season, finds were getting slim, so I spent most of the day helping a few newbies do some digging at PCS. A while later, I sat down for lunch, and there it was, at my feet! I couldn't believe my eyes. Fist one in 3 yrs apparently, and on the 14th ever recorded at Lee Creek. Not quite as showy as a 5-inch meg, but rare is rare!... |
Lee Creek Megamouth
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
My second to last trip into Lee Creek for the season and I wasn't finding much, so I figured I'd help out a group of students that were at the mine for the first time. I led them to a Yorktown pile, pointed out some teeth & such, and when they got their search image & I figured they were good to go, I climbed to the top of the pile.
I sat & went to tie my bootstrings, and saw this odd root sticking out of the brown Yorktown silt, something that I did not recognize. When I pul... |
Lee Creek Megachasma pelagios
Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Megachasma pelagios |
My second to last trip into Lee Creek for the season and I wasn't finding much, so I figured I'd help out a group of students that were at the mine for the first time. I led them to a Yorktown pile, pointed out some teeth & such, and when they got their search image & I figured they were good to go, I climbed to the top of the pile.
I sat & went to tie my bootstrings, and saw this odd root sticking out of the brown Yorktown silt, something that I did not recognize. When I pul... |