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The GMR Prequel

Rivrdigr and I both arrived at the airport within 10 minutes of each other, got rental cars from the same place, and eventually met up at GMR for a dig. We spent about 3 hours together sifting the creek bottom. We started near one of the bridges and weren’t finding much of anything other than squid blemnas – which are tough to NOT find there. We moved down a bit and not too long I hear rivrdgr say ‘THERE it is’. I walks over with a beauty of a GW tooth – nice and fat. I continued to find not much of anything. A minute later or two, he pulls another bigger better GW tooth – at least it would have been if it were complete. Still very promising. I finally found a squalicorax (crow shark) tooth. For some reason, they seem to be decently plentiful in GMR. At least for me they are because I found 8 of them that day, and about as many last time I visited. As the area seemed to run dry for both of us, we slowly worked down looking for more gravel areas. Stopping on occasion to throw a few screens full. I did eventually find a spot that I thought for sure was a winner. I got 2 nice makos on the first screen, and then a couple more partials in subsequent screens. My enthusiasm returned – sore back or not this was the spot for my GW. However, the only GWs that came out for me were a small broken lower, and a small but very sharp upper. As the sun was starting to set, we figured it was time to mosey on out back to shower and head to the golden corral for dinner. Rivrdigr headed back to the Jacuzzi at his hotel, I asked for a massage from the roaches at my place. When I got back to the hotel from stuffing myself at dinner, Ditchweezil, T$, and 2thHoover were just checking in. I finally got to meet T$ and 2thhoover, swap some lies about hunting, and show off some stuff from my trip last fall to Shark Tooth Hill.
Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added4/7/2006

The fruits of a few hours of digging

Green Mill Run-ning Beloved???
Green Mill Run-ning Beloved???
Broke Back GMR......It
Broke Back GMR......It's not what you think :-)
Pictures don
Pictures don't lie......





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