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Lee Creek 11/25

First off i want to thank Blackriver Fossil club for the chance to hunt at aurora.  I made a weekend of it, stopped by Green Mill Run on saturday afternoon for my first visit there.  Home football game there so the place was hopping.  Only two other people in the creek though.  No great whites but did get baggie full of nice belemnites (first i've found) and one decent crow shark, also a first for me.

On to the mine! I collected there in 02 and 03 when the collecting area was pretty lame (comparatively that is, aurora is always great).  New area really is nice and big.  I went left and back but didn't get as far as i wanted cause they had staked it off.  I hunted hard and really was not doing wll at all toothwise, few duskies and hemis was it, not even a tiger.  Did find lots of other neat stuff, porpoise tooth and ear bone, couple of GIANT tuna verts, and lots of fish material.  At 2:45 i was almost back to the ramp and ready to call it a day. Then decided I might as well scan hard the last few minutes.  Then I found the tooth I've wanted to find for years! It was tucked away in a tiny crevice and I knew what it was right away, a nice benedeni a tad over two inches!  Even though surface collecting was tough this late in the season I was having a blast being there, and finding that tooth right before the bus ride was really sweet!

Location Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Date Added11/28/2007


Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 2 - PCS
Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 2 - PCS
Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 2 - PCS
Spring 2003 Aurora, NC - Day 2 - PCS
Madman Across the Pungo
Madman Across the Pungo





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