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Potomac 12-21-07

I started out my 2 hour trip heading for the cliffs along the bay but the tides and wind weren't cooperating so I ended up at the Potomac River. I didn't have any Otodus teeth in my collection so maybe today would be the day. There was dead vegitation all over the edge of the water where I normally find all my fossils so I headed down the beach looking for "clean" water. After a couple hundered yards the waters edge cleared up and I started finding some small teeth. Then I found my first Otodus tooth. Only an inch long and river worn but still a good find in my book. Another couple hundered yards and I stopped to put some more small teeth in my bottle and there it was beside my foot a second Otodus, this one a little bigger and had sharp cutting edges with just a little area of enamel peel. This was turning out to be a great trip! I continued on further than I had gone before. I noticed something black down between some rocks and reached down and pulled out my biggest Otodus of the day. 2.25 inches but one cusp and the corner of the root broken off. Also found were a couple Croc teeth, some ray material some molds from turritellias ans many small teeth.

Location Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Date Added12/24/2007

The nicer teeth
Otodus teeth
The other stuff

Not Potomac but 3 miles inland
Not Potomac but 3 miles inland
Aquia Formation Trip
Aquia Formation Trip





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