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Inversand trip, Sept 2007   Gloucester County, New Jersey, USA
I attended a trip to Inversand that was a pay for a slot gig with the Friends of the New Jersey State Museum (NJSM). The weather was poor, remnants of a tropical storm were going up the coast and the rain and cold wind was a poor start to the day. The sun broken out around noon but it was a struggle to make it that long.

Learning from pervious trips to this site I walked the area first and found a nice but worn 2-inch mako, probably from the Hornerstown formation. Here, to...
Fossil hunting trip to Inversand Pit in Sewell, Gloucester County, New Jersey   Gloucester County, New Jersey, USA
Took another trip to the Inversand Pit in Sewell, Gloucester County, New Jersey on Friday, September 15th, 2006. This time I was tagging along with another fossil group for the day on a last minute invite. Thanks Guys!!! It rained all morning for the drive to the site by the sky parted and it stopped raining once I got there - a good omen!!! Dug the whole day, DW style, and found a large almost complete croc vert and a decent sharks tooth. Need a species ID on the croc but it’s the best one ...
m4's Inversand Trip   Gloucester County, New Jersey, USA
Well, after years of waiting for a trip to this spot, today was the day. I have heard about the Inversand Pit in Sewell, Gloucester County, New Jersey for years and have been looking forward to visiting this site. It has a reputation for Cretaceous Mosasaur and Crocodile remains, and often times the remains are associated. This spot also has a nice view of the KT boundary so a very cool spot to be at. I was hoping to find a Crocodile vertebra or two and maybe a few sharks teeth so with hopes...






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