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unforseen events!

newb to the site not fossil hunting. any ways this would have been an actual report if me and my father actualy made it to GMR. any ways sunday morning we left for GMR from here in tennessee. about an hour in to the trip we start seeing cops at everywhere with there lights flashing. turns out the one highway we needed to take had a huge rockslide. this had  happend about two hours before we had hit the road. only one woman was slightly injured. good thing it was 2 am or i could have been worse. so we have to wait several weeks before we get another chance at gmr, except this time we will be taking another route. it will take them 3-4 months to clear that highway up.

any ways since i dont have pics of that i thought i post some pics of some goodies from our collection. the meg is from aurora that i found in 2002, and the black great white is from GMR. huge i know! the other creame color great white is from peru i think, my father bought it on ebay i believe.

Location Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Date Added10/27/2009


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