Ouch!This is another one of my decapod specimens from the Middle Eocene, Santee Limestone, of South Carolina. It's from an undescribed species. The largest complete crab carapace I've found to date was 6 and a half inches wide. It had a 2 and a half inch right claw. This claw would have measured 5 inches. That would have made the carapace around 12 inches in diameter. Large pieces of carapace, and another 4 inch claw, were the only other specimens found that are from the same species. Something this large had very few enemies. One pinch from one of those claws could easily take off a finger.
| Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA |
ID | 695 |
Member | paleobum |
Date Added | 10/24/2006 |
Something this big could easily take off a finger. |