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dug up a cow 5-13-07

we didnt find much in the means of good teeth. There ware tracks from someone who had been there before us so thats probley why the sea didnt provide as much as we wished. We tried everything to mabey with a little luck have something pop up for us to grab and make the day seem better then it would be, but no luck. The gravel was there but there were no large teeth in the spots. There were some smaller makos and a few hemi's but nothing shocking. After a while i got bored and went out looking for something still in some matrix along the beach. There was nothing, not even bone but just then i noticed a small piece of bone sticking out of the rock. As i started to remove the matrix from around this small bone i exposed some enamel, by now i was in shock because i still hadn't identified the tooth. A cow shark tooth, my first out of the matrix. Thats the good news.....the bad news is that 2 of the blades were broken. Its all good the tooth was still an awsome find for the plain day.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added6/2/2007


good start to the toothing season
good start to the toothing season
yesterday made it look easy
yesterday made it look easy





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