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July 2006 Bay Trip

This was fossilguy and my annual post-education event weekend at the bay. We had visions of multi megalodons but ended up with none between the two of us. We searched over 20 miles of beach area over the 3 days covering 40+ million years of marine history. My finds of the trip were both firsts for me, a small nurse shark tooth and an intermediary tooth (minus the root) from the early Miocene (?). Not much in the way of large sized finds but we had a blast. The finds above the ruler are from the Calvert Cliffs, the finds below are from a “secret spot”. The gnarled up, black rock-like item is actually a well-preserved, small crocodile vertebra - it was just hard to get a good picture/scan of it. The intermediary tooth is 1&1/19“ long, the nurse shark is 6mm, the largest mako 1.5”.
Location Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Date Added7/17/2006

the intermediate tooth
nurse shark tooth

good start to the toothing season
good start to the toothing season
yesterday made it look easy
yesterday made it look easy





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