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A Day of First and Second

The day started off with a leisurely departure time of 0800. We were all excited to have slept in a little before zooming off with boat in tow for a day on the river. Getting around the beltline proved to be the hardest part of the entire day. All 4 lanes of the inner loop were closed due to an accident so our day was extended by over an hour. We arrived at the first dive spot and jumped in at 12:04pm. The spot only produced one (large) mako blade. We switched to a spot farther downstream and dedicated the next hour to the dive. Underwater I was thinking of a title for this post and was going to call it, "Does size matter?" after finding 2-4" teeth in one hole. Meeting my partner on the surface I found out that not only did he find his first big (complete) meg on that dive... he found his second as well. It's taken him @ 40 dives but he did it! I don't think he put either of them down the entire ride home. We brought back 6- 4"+ complete megs (1 was 5.75" msh), a porpoise humerus, and several 3"+ teeth. Congrats D-Day (his initials are D.D.)
Location Hertford County, North Carolina, USA

Date Added8/26/2006

D-Day with his first 2 big Megs! Way to go.
Both bags emptied on the boat.
Better picture of the largest tooth of the day.

Scubapaul Came to Town!
Scubapaul Came to Town!
Back to the river ("It
Back to the river ("It's On Like Donkey Kong")
Scubapaul Came to Town!
Scubapaul Came to Town!





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